Congrats to our winners, I will be emailing you shortly. If I don’t hear from you within 24hours another name will be drawn! Thanks to all of our readers for entering…and keep coming back, there are always cool things going on at Family Friendly Cincinnati!
Congrats to: Lisa S. Jamie S. Brandy N. Laura H. Steph H. and Suzanne L.
We have a very special giveaway to offer our readers this week, but you have to hurry, the contest is a quickie!
Four Seasons Tent Rental has generously given us FIVE sets of vouchers for Florence Freedom games to give away! Each set is a family-four pack of tickets! Sarah J. told us how cool the Florence Freedom games are in her post “Florence Freedom Hits it Out of the Park“.
Here’s the details – Five winners will be drawn on Friday, August 19th at 4pm using Winners will have 24 hours to respond or another winner will be drawn. Winners must be from the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky area. After the winner responds I will mail you the tickets ASAP. The fine print is that the Florence Freedom season is over at the beginning of September, so you will have to use your vouchers quickly. Check their website for details. To use your voucher simply take them to the box office to trade them for tickets.
Here’s how to enter (please note – you have three different chances to win!)
1 – Leave a comment below telling us why you want to win the tickets.
2 – Sign up for our weekly newsletter (there is a place to sign up on the right hand side of this page, on the sidebar). If you already receive our newsletter tell someone else about it! Leave a second comment telling us you did so.
3 – Show some love: go to Florence Freedom & Four Season Tent Rental’s facebook pages and click the LIKE button! Leave another comment telling us you did so.
It couldn’t be easier to enter this contest! Hurry though…just a few days to enter! AND DON’T FORGET TO LEAVE CONTACT INFORMATION! I will attempt to email the winners if they leave contact info.
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I’d like to win b/c we haven’t been to a baseball game yet this summer, and I feel like such a bad mom! :p
I liked both pages 🙂
We have never been.I would Love to take my family to see them play !
I would Love to take my family to see them play !
I would love to be able to take my wife. She’s pregnant with our first child!
We would love to go to a game! We have never been and my son loves baseball!
I still haven’t been to a Florence Freedom game (I’ve lived here well over a year – there’s no excuse, darnit!).
I subscribe to the newsletter and I “like” the Freedom!
I would love to go to a game again — the last time we went I was hit in the head by a ball!!!!!
What a family friendly way to introduce little ones to baseball. Would definitely take my daughter to see.
What a family friendly way to introduce little ones to baseball. Would definitely take my daughter to see.
My husband heard this minor league team is more fun than the Reds. We want to go!
I added Florence Freedom to my friends on Facebook!
I would love to take my children to see a Florence Freedom game. The atmosphere there is the best!
I emailed 10 friends today about Family Friendly Cincinnati!
I *** LOVE *** your newsletter!
Why do I love Florence Freedom? Affordable. Interactive. Relaxing. Engaging. Entertaining. And I take the cutest pictures of my kids there which make for memorable scrapbook pages!
I already get the newsletter; on facebook, too, for the Freedom. My son LOVES the Freedom, Belle and Liberty! He would so enjoy being able to go to a game!
I get your newsletter too!
I’d love to take my kids to a game!
We receive the newsletter
We have never seen a game and would love to go…!
I already get your newsletter,but I told my friends about your great website and newsletters!
This would be great for my brother and his kids who live near northern KY.They have never been to a game!
I also “like” the Florence Freedom on facebook!
I took the kids to see one of the Freedom games last year and they had a ball. I would love to go back so my husband can experience what a neat place that is!
Would love to see a game this summer!
signed up for the newsletter!
“liked” the Freedom facebook page
Florence Freedom is baseball the way baseball should be enjoyed–up close and personal to the players and the game. So much fun for a family!!
We love the Freedom!!!
Liked Florence Freedom & Four Season Tent Rental’s!
My 4yr old plays t-ball and absolutely loves watching baseball! He says he is going to play for Florence Freedom one day!!!!
I would love to win. We have never been there.
FFC great fun sharer
Shared FFC with
Fan of Florence Freedom & 4 Seasons Tent Rental
A fun time at the ballpark with the kids!
This would be perfect fam night outing!
Newsletter signed up!
I like flo freedom on FB!
I also liked on Facebook! @foodhussy
I subscribed (@foodhussy)
I haven’t been to a Freedom game in years and my husband has never been – we’d love to win!
I also “Like” Flo Freedom and Four Seasons tent rental 😉
“Take me out to the ballgame….” My family would love to see a Florence Freedom game. Hope we get lucky! Thanks.
We havent been to a florence freedom game in years, it would be one last fun thing before my son goes back to school 🙂 he loves baseball!! My whole family is on a cruise right now except us because I am in school and we are broke 🙁 Thanks for the chance
I liked the freedom on facebook as well!
Signed up for you news letter and emailed a few friends!
My son loves the freedom, would love to take him!!
Freedom games are always a great time for the whole family.
I “liked” the Freedom.
My kids went to a Kids-night at the Florence Freedom a couple years ago and loved it … especially the playground in left field!
And now I like Florence Freedom too 🙂
subscribed 😉
We had “goto a baseball game” on our summer bucket list and we just never made it (between the heat and schedules). I’ve heard that Florence Freedom games are family friendly and I know my boys would enjoy it!
I “liked” the Florence Freedom facebook page!
I signed up for the weekly newsletter!
My kids loved the last game we went to, and I’m sure they would appreciate seeing another game before the days of summer disappear!
We have another whole week before our kids’ schools start, and we haven’t been able to get to a Florence Freedom game this summer. Please enter us for a chance to win! Thanks!
My husband and 2yr old son LOVE baseball! It would be awesome to go to a game!
I “liked” the four season tent rentals facebook page!
I liked the Florence Freedom Facebook page!
I would love to take my daughter and husband to a Florence Freedom game! We were not able to take out daughter on a vacation this year due to finances, but it would be great to take her to this and make a new memory.
Due to an illness this summer, my girls have not had much of a summer. School is back in but one last fun time would be a great memory to leave them with. Thank you.