Contest Closed. Congratulations to FFC reader, Amanda D. Thank you to everyone who entered!
Do you have any little Christmas loving “Whos” in your house? Then the special production of Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas! is the perfect kick off to your holiday season! At the Aronoff from November 27 through December 1, the classic children’s book comes to life through a musical that features known songs such as “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch” and “Welcome Christmas”.
Travel to Whoville with your kids, watch the Grinch’s heart grow a few sizes and learn what Christmas is all about.
Family Friendly Cincinnati is teaming up with Broadway in Cincinnati for a giveaway! One lucky family will win four tickets to see How the Grinch Stole Christmas at the Aronoff on Friday, November 29th at 1pm!
Entering is easy, just answer this question:
What is your favorite song from How the Grinch Stole Christmas?
What is your favorite Dr. Seuss book?
For additional entries do one, or all, of the following (and leave a separate comment for EACH entry in the comment section below to be entered):
- Sign up for our Enewsletter:
- Check out Family Friendly Cincinnati and Broadway in Cincinnati on Facebook
- Check us out on Pinterest:
- Tweet about this giveaway, including: Enter to win tickets for @BroadwayCincy production of How the Grinch Stole Christmas from @FamFriendlyCin
That’s it! That’s FIVE ways to enter which means FIVE chances to win! The winner will be drawn at random and announced on Friday, November 22. We will stop taking entries at 2pm. Contest is open to Tri-State residents only, and you must be at least 18 years of age. Winners will have 24 hours to respond or another winner will be drawn. Please note that tickets are good for the Friday, November 29th performance at 1pm only. Please make sure you are available to attend on that date, should you win.
Good Luck!
Disclosure: Tickets for this giveaway were provided by Broadway in Cincinnati. They also are providing tickets to FFC’s editors so that they can see the show.
Cat in the hat, pinterest, enewsletter, facebook
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“Are you my Mother?”
Horton Hears a Who
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Our favorite book is the Grinch who stole Christmas and of course my favorite character is Cindy Lou Who!
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Favorite book is Green Eggs and Ham.
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Favorite song is “you’re a mean one Mr. Grinch!”
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I like ‘you’re a mean one, mr grinch’… Especially the stink, stank, stink part!!
You’re a mean one!
I checked out Broadway in Cincinnati.
Green Eggs and Ham
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I love the song Welcome Christmas!
favorite book is The original Cat in the Hat
you’re a mean one Mr Grinch …
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I checked out Family Friendly Cincinnati and Broadway in Cincinnati on Facebook
Definitely one fish two fish….
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My favorite song is of course “you’re a mean one”. i have it set as my ringtone 🙂
I tweeted
Like you on Facebook. We love “You’re a Mean One”!
I already subscribe to the newsletter. I have liked both facebook pages.
Favorite book is Green Eggs and Ham.
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Our favorite book is Horton Hears a Who
Dr.Seuss books are my sons FAV!!! Our favorite one to read together is Green Eggs and Ham and The Dr.Seuss book called My Book About Me!
I also followed on Pintrest, signed up for the e news letter, and followed both on FB.
checked out facebook
My favorite song from the Grinch is “Welcome, Christmas” – it is generally sung at great volume. My husband likes “You’re a mean one” because he gets to show off his deep voice!
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You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch….
I follow FFC on Pintrest.
I follow you & Broadway on FB.
My favorite book is Green Eggs & Ham.
I follow FFC on Pinterest
I like FFC on Facebook and checked out the Broadway page.
My favorite Dr Seuss book is The Cat in the Hat
I follow you on Pinterest!
Fav song– you’re a mean one mr grinch
We love the Horton stories! They have great morals within them.
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I love love love The Lorax!
Favorite book–Mr brown can moo how about you?
Favorite song is “You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch”.
I like you on FB and checked out Broadway in Cincinnati 🙂
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my favorite song is ‘you’re a mean one Mr. Grinch!’
Favorite song: “Welcome Christmas” I love this
I like The Grinch theme… “stink stank stunk” is the best part.
Best book – Go Dog Go
I like both FFC and Broadway in Cincinnati.
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Fav song: “You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch”
I tweeted!
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Has to be Da Who Dores. We love the Grinch!!
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My favorite book is Oh The Places You’ll Go.
Facebook fan of FFC and checked out Broadway FB page
greeh eggs and ham a favorite book
Already an Enewsletter subscriber
Fav song is “Welcome Christmas”.
We love Dr Seuss. We have already seen Horton, we would love to see more Dr Seuss.
*Already subscribe to the newsletter, fan on FB, and fan of Broadway in Cincinnati and on their email list.
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My favorite song is Welcome Christmas!
Follow FFC and Broadway in Cincy on facebook!
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favorite book-Red fish, Blue Fish
I tweeted this contest
favorite book? So hard to choose. I Can Read With My Eyes Shut
Checked you out on pinterest!
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Our favorite book is Are you My Mother?
Our favorite book is green eggs and ham
Book: green eggs and ham
I love the song…welcome Christmas Day
I checked out and “FOLLOWED” Family Friendly Cincinnati on Pinterest (BEST WEBSITE EVER!!)
I checked out and “LIKED” Broadway in Cincinnati on Facebook
I checked out and “LIKED” Family Friendly Cincinnati on Facebook
Favorite song from the Grinch is “Welcome Christmas”
I signed up for the Family Friendly Cincinnati Newsletter
I follow FFC and Broadway Cincinnati on Facebook.
I love all of the Dr. Suess books. Great memories of reading them to my girls. 🙂
I checked out FFC on Pinterest. Great stuff!
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Liked Broadway in Cincinnati on Facebook 🙂
Horton Hears a Who is the best!!
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“You are a mean one Mr. Grinch
I follow on pinterest- Kathy
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I tweeted
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My favorite Dr. Seuss book which is so hard because so great all of them. Mine is Green Eggs and Ham
The Places You’ll Go!
My favorite book is Oh, the Places You’ll Go!
Signed up for your Enewsletter 🙂
‘You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch!’
Favorite book:” I can read with my eyes shut”
Favorite book is Green Eggs and Ham
“Your a mean one, Mr. Grinch” has to be our families favorite song!
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Follow you on Pinterest!
I like FFC and Broadway in Cincinnati on Facebook.
You’re a Mean One Mr. Grinch
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Follow on Pinterest
I love the classic Green Eggs and Ham!
Signed up for newsletter
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Favorite book is “How the a Grinch Stole Christmas.”
The cat in the hat! We love that book!!
I checked out your Pinterest.
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I follow on Pinterest! 🙂
The Cat in the Hat!
I already get the newsletter! 🙂
“You’re a Mean One Mr. Grinch” is my favorite song from the movie.
I follow FFC on Pinterest.
Just “liked” Broadway in Cincinnati on FB, already follow FFC
I LIKE FFC and Broadway in Cincinnati on Facebook.
I get the newsletter
Favorite book is Oh The Places You’ll Go
I already receive the FFC e-newsletter.
Favorite Dr. Seuss book…”Marvin K. Mooney, Will You Please Go Now”
Favorite Book is “The Lorax”!
our favorite song is “Were are you Christmas”!
Are you My Mother? is our favorite book!! We love Dr. Seuss.
My favorite song is You’re a mean one, Mr Grinch! My favorite book is Green eggs and ham! hehehe
Tweeted about the giveaway 🙂
Favorite song “You’re a Mean One Mr Grinch” favorite book The Lorax
Already signed up for the newsletter!
Favorite book is: “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!”
Signed up for the enewsletter 🙂
Following your Pinterest 🙂
Already liked your pages on Facebook 🙂
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“You’re a mean one Mr. Grinch” of course.
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“Your a mean one, Mr. Grinch” is my all time favorite song from How the Grinch stole Christmas .. Every year My now 7 year old son and I sing it when we hear in on the Radio & He was even singing it to my 6 month old Daughter the other day.
I already get your newsletter, Shared on Facebook , Re-Tweeted on Twitter, and Pinned on Pinterest 🙂
Oops – I needed a separate reply for following you on Pinterest! 🙂
I get the Newsletter – yay!
Twitter..sadly I do not twitter 🙁
Favorite Song…Where Are You, Christmas?
Facebook….Yep, follow and stalks
Pinterest…Yep got this…Love your pins
Newsletter…yep I got that, LOVE IT!!!
Last but not least just tweeted Enter to win tickets for @BroadwayCincy production of How the Grinch Stole Christmas from @FamFriendlyCin
I am following on pinterest.
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Just subscribed to the newsletter!!
Welcome Christmas is the favorite song!!
“You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grinch!” – Our family’s favorite!
We Love….The FOOT Book!!!!
and the Grinch is a holiday tradition!!!
My favorite song is “You’re a Mean One Mr. Grinch”! It is also one of my ringtones! We have only a few Christmas movies/books that we watch/read around Christmas and How the Grinch Stole Christmas is one of those.
Like both on facebook, get the newsletter, and now follow on pintrest!
Our family loves the song You’re A Mean One Mr. Grinch. Seeing this musical live would definitely be a lifetime memory that we would never forget. ******GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE******
Toss up: “My many colored days” or “Are you my mother?” I follow FFC on Facebook!
I follow you on facebook.
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I’m going to say Green Eggs and Ham. My youngest daughter said Big Dog Little Dog if they were girls
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One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish is my favorite dr. Seuss book
“You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch” is my favorite song
I follow on pinterest
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Green eggs and ham is my Fav book!
and my favorite song is “Your a Mean One Mr. Grinch”
Green Eggs and Ham is my favorite book
My favorite song from “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” is “Where Are You Christmas?”
I follow on pinterest
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How the Grinch Stole Christmas is my favorite!
I now follow you on Pinterest! And I love your e-newsletter! 🙂
Horton Hears a Who! We love Horton. 🙂
I follow FCC on Pinterest!
I follow FCC and broadway in cincy ion FB
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“Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?” is a favorite Seuss book since childhood.
My favorite Dr. Seuss book is There’s a Wocket in my Pocket.
I follow FFC on Pinterest
I’m subscribed to the newsletter
I follow Broadway in Cincinnati on FB
I subscribe to FFC
Fav song “The Who Song”
The Whoville Christmas song. Oops!
Newsletter subscriber.
Love oh the places you’ll go!
I signed up for the email list.
My kids favorite song from the Grinch that stole Christmas is your a mean one mr Grinch.
I follow FFC on Facebook
How the Grich stole Christmas is my favorite.
I just checked out FFC on Pinterest. Cool ideas!
I already follow FFC on facebook and just now checked out and liked Broadway in Cincinnati on facebook.
My favorite Dr. Seuss book is “Oh The Places You Will Go.”
Where are you Christmas fav song
Already signed up for the newsletter!
I signed up for your newsletter
I follow FFC on Pinterest
I follow both FFC And Broadway Cincy on FB
Sneetches on the Beaches is my favorite Dr. Suess story. What a genius he was.
My son loves the Grinch. He has already watched it five times this year! Anyway, our favorite song is: “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch.”
Cat in the Hat!
Liked both pages
Favorite song of course is the Mr. Grinch song!!
Welcome Christmas is my fave!
I checked out both fb pages.
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You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch would be my favorite Grinchy tune.
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Checked out Pinterest for the first time thanks to you!
I checked out both the Facebook pages!
Mr. Brown Can Moo is our favorite! First book I read to my kids and probably the book we read the most. They loved my sound effects and I loved their giggles.
I Signed up for the E newsletter
I checked out FFC on Pinterest
My favorite Dr. Suess book is Horton Hatches an Egg
I checked out FFC on Facebook
My favorite song from The Grinch is Welcome Christmas
Checked FFC on Pinterest.
Checked out the FB pages.
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Oh, the Places You’ll Go!
Fav dr Seuss book is Dr. Seuss’ ABC’s!!
We LOVE Cat in the Hat!!!! You can’t beat some good old Dr. Seuss 🙂
Favorite book – Cat in the Hat –
Also, I “liked” the familyfriendly Facebook page!
My fave Dr. Seuss book is Green Eggs and Ham!
Already signed up for newsletter
Favorite song where are you Christmas
Already liked both pages on FB
You’re a mean one, mr grinch.
Mean old Grinch!
I checked out the Pinterest page
I checked out the facebook pages
You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch!
I subscribe to the enewsletter
Cat in the Hat is my favorite Dr. Seuss book
Favorite song… Where Are You Christmas?
I liked Broadeay in Cincinnati on Facebook.
I follow you on Facebook
I already receive the email newsletters
Welcome Christmas
Our favorite book by Dr. Seuss is Horton Hears a Who.
I love the Lorax!
I checked out FFC on Pinterest
I already like the FFC fb page and I checked out the broadway in cincy website
I subscribe to the newsletter and enjoy it
My fav song is You’re a Mean One Mr Grinch!
I follow several of Family Friendly Cincinnati’s boards on Pinterest.
I liked both pages on Facebook.
My favorite Seuss book is Horton Hears a Who.
“Like” both the FB sites.
I already receive the e-newsletter.
“You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch”
Our favorite book is Green Eggs and Ham!
Your’e a mean one Mr. Grinch!i
I follow on Pinterest.
I have “liked” both pages on FB.
I already like both on facebook
I already receive the E-newsletter.
Already signup for the newsletter
My favorite Seuss book is Horton Hears a Who.
‘Welcome Christmas’
Oh the places you’ll go!
I also already receive the newsletter!!
I already like both on facebook!
My fav song is ” your a mean one, Mr. Grinch” of course..:-) Would love to be able to take my girls 4&6 to see this!!!!!
I checked out Family Friendly Cincinnati and Broadway in Cincinnati on Facebook.
My fav song is ” your a mean one, Mr. brunch” of course..:-) Would love to be able to take my girls 4&6 to see this!!!!!
I read Dr. Seuss books to my kids all the time. Our favorite is One fish, Two fish.
I follow you on pintrist!
I’m a FB Fan of FFC and Broadway in Cincinnati!
I receive your e-newsletter already! Thanks!
I checked out FFC on Pinterest.
I love “Welcome Christmas”. I sing it all the time!
I tweeted about this giveaway.
I’ve liked your FB page in Broadway in Cincinnati FB page.
I’ve already signed up for the newsletter.
Hop on Pop-favorite book.
I follow you on pinterest!
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I follow on Pinterest.
I like both on FB.
I’m already signed up for the newsletter
Q: What is your favorite Dr. Seuss book? A: Dr. Seuss Sleep Book. My parents read it to me, I read it to my campers when I was a camp counselor, and now to my kids. We all love it. Classic!!!!
I receive your newsletter.
My favorite Dr. Suess book is definitely The Grinch!
You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch
Facebook fan & checked out FFC
Facebook Fan & checked out Broadway in Cincinnati
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My favorite Dr Suess book is “Green Eggs & Ham”
I checked out Broadway In Cincinnati on FB
My favorite Dr. Suess book is Green Eggs and Ham
Also, I have completed A-D
I follow FFC on FB
Favorite Dr. Seuss book has always been The Lorax
I receive your newsletter
Both sites liked on Facebook!
Green Eggs and Ham
I like FFC on Facebook!
My favorite Dr. Seuss book is The Grinch Who Stole Christmas!!!
Green Eggs and Ham
I have “liked” both FFC and Broadway in Cincinnati’s Facebook pages.
I checked out and liked Broadway in Cincinnati on Facebook.
I am subscribed to Family Friendly Cincinnati’s email list.
Following on Pinterest
My favorite Dr. Seuss book is “The Butter Battle Book.”
Liked Family Friendly Cincinnati and Broadway in Cincinnati on Facebook
Subscribed to Newsletter
Just checked out Broadway in Cinti and liked that fb page.
“oh the places you’ll go”
I tweeted about the giveaway.
Favorite Dr. Seuss story…so many to choose from! Love Horton hears a Who and The Lorax
I follow FFC on Pinterest!
The Lorax is my all time favorite Dr. Seuss book! I read it all the time when I was a little girl. Thanks for the giveaway
Am I the first to comment? favorite book would be Hop on Pop I think!
“How the Grinch Stole Christmas” of course!
I follow FFC & Broadway In Cincinnati on FB!
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I follow you on Facebook.
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I love the Dr. Seuss Book “Fox In Socks” because my son loved it so much as a toddler he would have me read it to him over and over again!
My favorite book is One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish.
I checked you out on facebook
Following you on Pinterest & FB; checked out Broadway in Cincy on FB!
Just signed up for the newsletter!
My fave dr suess book is Green eggs and Ham
If I ran a circus is our favorite!!
Favorite book is The Cat in the Hat!