New Year’s Eve – a time to ring out the old year and celebrate the new. Make sure you check out our list of family fun events that happen all day and into the night! The Ball on the Square — Oakley Time: 8pm – 1 a.m. Cost: Free Information for 2013 has not yet… [read more]
Family Fun for New Year’s Eve 2012
New Year’s Eve – a time to ring out the old year and celebrate the new. My husband and I love to spend our last night of the year with our kids doing something crazy fun. The definition of “crazy fun” sure has changed in the past 10 years of parenthood, but we’re okay with… [read more]
The Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati presents ‘Santa’s Toy Factory’
The Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati has been delighting audiences with their wonderful productions since 1924, so chances are you’ve been to at least one show and have seen firsthand one of their amazing performances. I have been to several myself and couldn’t really pick my favorite even if I was asked…I’ve loved them all… [read more]
Alice in Wonderland at Ensemble Theatre
Do you or your kids enjoy Alice in Wonderland? I know mine do. Both of my children love this story and love the latest movie version. It’s watched over and over. When we were asked if we’d like to see a live production of Alice in Wonderland at the Ensemble Theatre, I was so excited… [read more]
Family Fun This Weekend (July 13-15)
Rain Rain Go Away…rumors of rain are in the forecast, let’s hope it misses us as we head into a wonderful jam-packed weekend in Cincinnati. ALL WEEKEND This is it folks – the butterflies at the International Butterfly Show are leaving on a jetplane after Sunday so SEE THEM THIS WEEKEND! The Clinton County Fair… [read more]
Summer fun at the new Smale Riverfront Park
I could open this post up by asking “how about that heat?” but that would just be begging for an eye roll. We all know how bad the heat has been…but have you, like me, run out of fun new ways to entertain your kids and keep them cool? Katie S and I have been… [read more]
Streetpops Gourmet Popsicles
What kid doesn’t love a good popsicle? I mean, they were part of the fabric of our childhoods, right? Who among us doesn’t remember playing outside, eating a freeze pop (or three) with our friends…. ahhh, those were the days. So why do I bring this up? Because I got invited to bring my family… [read more]
Family Friendly Fun This Weekend
The Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati‘s production of Rapunzel! Rapunzel opens this weekend with shows Friday (7:30pm), Saturday (2pm & 5pm) and Sunday (2pm). Read Amy’s post from earlier this week. Head to Barnes and Noble at Newport on the Levee Saturday for Storytime with Shannon at Noon. Children will enjoy a hearing a selection of stories both old… [read more]