I am always looking for activities that can include our whole family, not an easy task when the children range from 22 to 10. Today I sent an invite to “the kids” and everyone on my Face Book inviting them to Rezonate Music Fest and now I’m inviting all of you.
I’m looking forward to this event, I’m crossing my fingers “the kids” will make it. You can find a schedule here. I personally can’t wait to hear Gary Hitsman at 5:00 p.m. and am hopeful to make it until 8:00 p.m. for Brian White and Karyn Williams. If you enjoy rock music I hear 8Kount (playing at 6 p.m.) is well known in Cincinnati, they have headlined at the WEBN fireworks. This event also includes a charity motorcycle ride, registration begins at 8:30 and the ride will leave at 11:00, Cost: $15/single rider; $20/couple (participants in the bike ride re-enter the Festival free). If you would like more information about the ride please contact Jeff at [email protected]. All of the proceeds from this event will be used to provide school supplies for the non-profit organization Backpacks for Pine Ridge. For additional information about Rezonate Music Fest or Backpacks for Pine Ridge please feel free to contact Amber at [email protected]
I am looking forward to using this fun family day as an opportunity to educate my children on how fortunate we are. We have an adorable zebra stripped monogram backpack over flowing with school supplies, I want to make sure my 10 year old understands there are opportunities to help those less fortunate.
Rezonate Music Fest
Voice of America Park
August 29, 2009
2 P.M. until 11 P.M.
$8/car; $2/bike suggested parking donation
REZonate is awesome! Good music, good food, good cause!