Please join us as we welcome our good friend Tricia to Family Friendly Cincinnati. Tricia is a wonderful cook and the author of the popular site, Once a Month Cooking which helps with freezer cooking recipes.
You’ve been hard at work all day, you have been productive but you are excited to see your family. You have t-ball practice to get to first thing after work, homework to help with, baths to orchestrate and lunches to pack for the next day. And somewhere in there you have to find time to get food in the bellies of your beloved family. . .So the drive-thru it is somewhere between t-ball practice and homework.
Sound familiar? In our quest to make family fun and entertainment a reality for our families the real loser most of the time is our families. After all, you have been at work all week (or busy keeping your home in order) the last thing you have time for in the evening hours with your children is being in the kitchen. Yet, the guilt of your kids dietary intake is front in center in the daily news. And perhaps in your own mind.
So what is a parent to do? What if I told you there is an answer? What if I told you that you could have healthy, family friendly meals on your table with little to no effort every evening? What if I told you could save money on your grocery bill while you do it too? What if I could guarantee that you would reduce your time in the kitchen by 24 hours? Could you use an extra day in your life each month? Of COURSE YOU COULD!
Does it sound to good to be true? What is the catch? The catch is that you would have to commit to one day (8-12 hours) to be in the kitchen one time a month. BUT that 8-12 hours would result in a gain of 24 hours throughout the month and savings in your wallet.
Once A Month Mom helps you fill your freezer by creating monthly menus using seasonal recipes. It is everything you need to make a month worth of meals in one day. And when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING! Each month there is a new menu that includes enough recipes for you to make breakfasts, lunches and dinners for your family. Included with the menus are complete grocery lists, recipe cards, step-by-step instructions for completing your cooking quickly and efficiently and labels for marking your meals for future preparation.
Once A Month Mom helps you fill your freezer by creating monthly menus using seasonal recipes. Complete with grocery lists, step-by-step instructions, labels and much, much more. There are also several different types of menus to meet the varied demands of families. There is a Traditional menu (for the average American family), Diet (for the health conscious), Baby Food (for the starter), Whole Foods – coming May 1st (for those that stay away from processed foods but aren’t intimidated by extra time in the kitchen), Gluten Free/Dairy Free – coming May 1st (for those trying to meet the needs of a challenging specialty diet), and Vegetarian – coming June 1st (for those that avoid animal products).
So with a month worth of meals in your freezer with labels on how to cook the contents, it doesn’t get easier for your busy schedule. And it is so refreshing to know that you are feeding your family healthy, wholesome meals. Save going out for those special occasions! And save your pocket book so that you can enjoy more of the activities offered all over Cincinnati!
Tricia is founder and author of Once A Month Mom. When she isn’t using her Type A personality to create once a month cooking menus, she can be found chasing after her two toddlers who also have discovered a love for cooking at an early age.
I have to say that I did one of Tricia’s menus and loved it. It was so nice to be able to come home and just pop dinner in the oven. I am getting ready to try a gluten-free diet and can’t wait to try her new gluten-free recipes!