I love the parks that are close to my house…Trolley Park in Park Hills, Battery Hooper Park in Ft. Wright, General Ormsby Park in Fort Mitchell and Devou Park in Covington, but sometimes we just can’t do the same parks over and over again. We like to go exploring all the other great neighborhood parks in this area! There is a lovely park in
Edgewood: Presidents Park, where my kids have their preschool picnic each year. It’s a beautiful & well-kept park that covers 20 acres.
My favorite thing about this park is that it has two different playgrounds that are large enough that kids are not fighting over swings, slides & equipment. Having two playgrounds means that if one of them is crowded you can always go to the other one. Both of the playgrounds offer lots of fun equipment for the kids. And there are many picnic tables throughout the park for having a bite to eat while you play in the park.
The park is lovely, and has lots of trees & wooded areas. There are four picnic shelters, a basketball court, tennis courts, sand volleyball, and a presidential walkway. Presidents Park is located at 283 Dudley Road in Edgewood, and you will know the park by the large clocktower at it’s entrance.
If you are looking for a new place for the kids to play, or to meet some friends for a picnic, check out Presidents Park! We still have some good weather for park-playing left this year before the cold comes in!