St. Elizabeth Healthcare in Northern Kentucky offers many educational opportunities for people in the community. They have offerings such as childbirth classes, breastfeeding classes, infant care, grandparent classes and for young adults they have Parent/Child classes to prepare for puberty. They also offer an intensive all day class to learn about babysitting called “Safe Sitter”. If you have a “tweenager” that is of the age and maturity level to start babysitting then check out this class that teaches how to be a most safe babysitter!
Safe Sitter ::
SafeSitter is a program for girls and boys age 11-13 that teaches adolescents how to handle emergencies when caring for younger children. Topics include safety and security precautions, child development and age appropriate activities and the business aspect of babysitting. Each student receives a manual with all the information covered in class.
Ella learned SO MUCH at this class, and I have to say that when the students were sharing what they learned at the end of the day I even learned a few new tips and tricks myself! I was very impressed with how intense and thorough this class was, and all of the boys and girls attending seemed to be having fun and have acquired a lot of useful knowledge to help them to be the best child care provider they can be.
The class is taught by experienced registered nurses who have been teaching this class for quite a while. At the end of the six hour class the students left with a certificate and a manual to take with them to babysitting jobs. They also left armed with knowledge on what to do in all kinds of situations. To pass the class each student had to take a four page written test and have a one on one assessment with the teacher. The parents came to the class at the end of the day and we were able to watch the students present what they learned through skits and reciting important information.
The Safe Sitter class at St. Elizabeth costs $50 and has limited seating (first come, first served). To find out class times and dates visit the St. Elizabeth Family Birth Place Events Calendar.
Disclaimer: Ella’s fee for this class was waived for review purposes. All opinions are 100% my own.