Helping to put a smile on the face of a child who has cancer or a blood disease has been a driving force behind the Dragonfly Foundation whose motto is to “bring comfort and joy to kids with cancer”. They have been tirelessly working to help the children at Children’s Hospital and now Cincinnati Bell and Feld Entertainment have also joined their ranks by providing a $5 discount to attend Ringling Brother’s Barnum & Bailey Circus, FUNundrum. Originally, Feld Entertainment donated 500 free ticket vouchers to attend the circus if you donated a new toy, electronic game, DVD and more to a local Cincinnati Bell store. The donations came in quickly and the ticket vouchers were all dispersed. Now, Feld Entertainment, has come through once again by offering discount tickets to the circus if you make a donation from the list below. Thanks to Cincinnati Bell for collecting all the donations.
The Dragonfly Foundation is also looking to add members to its “Celebrity Bureau”. Founder, Ria Davidson said, “Kids and young adults undergoing treatment for cancer and blood diseases go through trauma, both physical and mental, in the hope of a cure – trauma that continues long after treatment. This takes a tremendous toll on one’s spirit and ability to heal. To this end, The Dragonfly Foundation has created a Celebrity Bureau. We want to make it easier for celebrities to connect with kids/young adults with cancer and blood diseases, and for those kids to connect with celebrities during desperate times. If you know of anyone, or if you know people who know people, please contact us at [email protected]. We will keep all information confidential and manage secure connections.” Many thanks if you are able to help.
Thanks so much for your support of The Dragonfly Foundation!!!